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Emile et Ida


The children fashion is a family speciality. Granddaughter from a tailor, Delphine grew up in fabrics and patters. So this is naturally that she takes the direction as collection manager into mythical brands: Chevignon, Huit, Petit Bateau, Kickers… This is also naturally that she launched her own brand in 2010 “Emile et ida” as a tribute to her parents. A little hitch of soul… When all the children’s brands propose a dressing for school days, “Emile et ida” rather dress kids for after-school snack, holidays, week-end and happy days! This spirit gives creative collections, fun and a lot of charm with very soft clothes to go out or to cocoon. And as the fabrics quality and comfort is our priority, “Emile et ida” is also very at ease in the playgrounds !

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